KD/PR VIRTUAL, Anchorage, AK
(1 Reviews)
Company Name |
KD/PR Virtual |
Contact Name |
Day |
Business Phone |
907-868-4884 |
Fax |
907-868-2831 |
Website |
Not Displayed |
Address |
2440 Maylen Circle
Anchorage, AK,
99516 |
Mobile Phone |
- |
Business Overview |
Alaska's only virtual public relations agency, KD/PR Virtual offers everything a full-service agency offers, except for the building. We provide PR consulting, copywriting, media relations, crisis communications, special event planning, collateral development and more. Our firm is made up of 11 professionals specializing in PR, social media, graphic design, videography, web design, media buying and specialty item purchasing services. Kathy Day, APR, has been in business for more than a decade and is Alaska's most experienced public relations consultant. |

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